
A Memorable Team-Building Trip to Fuding, Fujian

Sep 01, 2024

At Wuxi Topteam Co., Ltd., we believe that a strong team is the backbone of success. To foster a sense of unity and strengthen our bonds, we recently embarked on a fun-filled team-building trip to the beautiful city of Fuding, Fujian. Over the course of several days, our team had the opportunity to explore the scenic landscape, participate in exciting activities, and create lasting memories.


Day 1: Arrival and Welcome

After a comfortable journey from Wuxi to Fuding, we arrived at our picturesque destination. Nestled in the mountains and surrounded by nature, Fuding greeted us with its serene atmosphere. Our team checked into a local resort, where we were warmly welcomed with a traditional tea ceremony, giving us a first taste of the region's famous white tea.


The evening began with a team dinner, allowing everyone to unwind and enjoy delicious local cuisine. The seafood, fresh from the nearby coast, was a highlight, providing the perfect start to our trip.


Day 2: Exploring Fuding’s Natural Beauty

Our second day was dedicated to exploring the stunning natural beauty that Fuding is known for. We started with a visit to the Taimu Mountain, often referred to as "the fairyland on earth."  The breathtaking mountain views and fresh air instantly refreshed our minds and spirits.  The hike encouraged teamwork, as we helped one another tackle the steeper parts of the trail.


After a morning of exploration, we visited the famous Fuding White Tea plantation, where we learned about the intricate process of producing this renowned tea. As a team, we picked tea leaves, learning the importance of patience, precision, and working together to achieve the best results-valuable lessons we can apply back in the workplace.


Day 3: Fun and Games by the Coast

Day three was all about fun and relaxation. We spent the morning at the beautiful beaches along Fuding’s coast, where we organized various team-building games. These included relay races, tug-of-war, and other activities designed to enhance communication and collaboration. The competitive spirit was high, but the camaraderie was even higher, as we cheered each other on and celebrated every win together.


The day concluded with a beach bonfire, where we shared stories, roasted marshmallows, and reflected on the importance of teamwork in achieving both personal and professional success. The laughter and conversations under the stars created a deep sense of connection within the group.


Before leaving, we took a group photo against the backdrop of the stunning Fuding coastline, a reminder of the unforgettable moments we shared during this trip.


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Наши часы

Пн, 21 ноября – Ср, 23 ноября: 9:00 – 20:00.
Чт, 24.11: закрыто. С Днем Благодарения!
Пт, 25 ноября: 8:00–22:00.
Сб 26.11 – Вс 27.11: 10:00 – 21:00
(все часы указаны по восточному времени)



